best m1014 skins in free fire


 1) Underground Howl

  • ++ Damage
  • - Rate of Fire
  • + Magazine
M104 Underground Howl skin

The M1014 Underground howl skin must be one of the best M1014 skins in Free Fire if not the best. The M1014 already has a really high damage stat of 90 already and this skin will boost it up even more than that, making sure that any player will be taken down within the first shot.

The skin also gives your M1014 a larger magazine while reducing the Rate of Fire, which is not that much of a problem.

 4) Cataclysm

M1014 Cataclysm skin have:

  • ++ Magazine
  • + Damage
  • - Reload Speed

The M1014 Cataclysm skin is one of the very popular skins that are used by many Free Fire players. The skin has many bone textures along with red color, making the weapon look truly badass.

The skin greatly increases the magazine capacity of the M1014 and a damage buff that makes its attack even more brutal. The downside of this skin is the reduced reload speed but that is no problem for a shotgun. Also, with a bigger magazine, you won't even need to reload during combats.

Of course, with a bigger magazine AND reduced Reload speed, it will take forever to refill this weapon once it is out of bullets.

3) Apocalyptic Red

M1014 Apocalyptic Red skin buffs:

  • ++ Rate of Fire
  • + Reload time
  • - Magazine
M104 Apocalyptic Red ski

M1014 Apocalyptic Red skin is one of the latest addition in the game from the Incubator. It is also the most expensive and the best M1014 skin in Free Fire Incubator.

It greatly increases the Rate of Fire of the M1014. The reload speed of the weapon is also increased while the size of the magazine is reduced. With the increased Rate of Fire, you will be able to unload 2-3 shots onto the enemy and take them down easily even if you missed the first shot.

The increased Reload speed is also very important as we all know that the reload speed of the M1014 is really slow

2) Apocalyptic Green

M1014 Apocalyptic Green skin buffs:

  • + Rate of Fire
  • ++ Range
  • - Reload Time
The M104 Apocalyptic Green skin

The M1014 Apocalyptic Green skin is the second-best Incubator skin after the M1014 Apocalyptic Red skin. The skin gives the M1014 what it lacks the most, range, and Rate of Fire. With this buff, this weapon will be much more stable with a decent range even to take down enemies even if you are a little bit far away.

But with the reduced Reload speed, you will need to make sure you are safe when you reload because it is going to take a while.

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