class 10 english first flight ch 6

 Class 10 English Chapter 6 - The Hundred Dresses – II

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Question 1:

What did Mr Petronski’s letter say?


Mr Petronski’s letter was addressed to the school authorities informing that Wanda would not come to school anymore as they were moving to a bigger city. It also mentioned that nobody would call her by funny names as there were plenty of other funny names in the new city.


Question 2:

Is Miss Mason angry with the class, or is she unhappy and upset?


Miss Mason was unhappy rather than angry because she was very upset to know that the students ill-treated Wanda for her unfamiliar name. She didn’t approve of the humiliation faced by the young girl due to her looks, name and appearance. She wanted everyone to think about it and asked them not to look down upon anyone in the class.


Question 3:

How does Maddie feel after listening to the note from Wanda’s father?


Maddie felt sorry and ashamed for her behaviour towards Wanda although she herself never made fun of her. She felt guilty as she never tried to stop Peggy from doing so and silently watched her as she repeatedly used to make fun of Wanda for claiming to have a hundred dresses in her closet.


Question 4:

What does Maddie want to do?


Maddie wanted to amend her behaviour towards Wanda and apologise to her for everything. Hence, when she came to know that Wanda was moving to a big city, she decided to pay a visit to Wanda’s house at Boggins Heights. She also wished to convey that everyone appreciates her talent and their behaviour towards her should be taken lightly.



Oral Comprehension Check (Page 76)

Question 1:

What excuses does Peggy think up for her behaviour? Why?


Peggy acted in a defensive manner and stated that she indirectly inspired Wanda to explore her drawing skills as she sketched a hundred dresses for the drawing competition that made her the winner of the contest.


Question 2:

What are Maddie’s thoughts as they go to Boggins Heights?


Maddie was filled with a sense of guilt and shame as she felt apologetic for being a silent spectator while Peggy used to humiliate Wanda. She was extremely distraught and upset for Wanda and herself. She was repenting for not stopping Peggy from misbehaving with Wanda on numerous occasions.


Question 3:

Why does Wanda’s house remind Maddie of Wanda’s blue dress?


Wanda used to wear an old blue faded yet a clean dress to school every day. When Maddie saw the house, it reminded her that Wanda’s place and its sparse little yard looked shabby but clean just like her blue dress.


Question 4:

What does Maddie think hard about? What important decision does she come to?


Maddie thought hard that she would not be a mute spectator anymore to Peggy’s ill-treatment towards Wanda. She promised herself that she would not let any injustice happen to anyone even if it meant to lose her close friend in the process.



Oral Comprehension Check (Page 79)

Question 1:

What did the girls write to Wanda?


Maddie and Peggy wrote a friendly letter to Wanda in which they wanted to apologise for their behaviour towards her, instead they asked her whether she liked her new school, friends and teachers. Meanwhile, they also informed her that she was declared the winner of the drawing contest for her sketches of a hundred dresses. They praised her drawing skills and also mentioned how it was appreciated by everyone in school. The girls wrote this letter to Wanda to indirectly extend their hand of friendship towards her and also express how much they missed her.


Question 2:

Did they get a reply? Who was more anxious for a reply, Peggy or Maddie? How do you know?


No, the girls never received a response of their letter from Wanda. Maddie was anxiously looking forward to a reply, more than Peggy because she was distraught and upset for Wanda. She had assumed that Wanda was deeply hurt so she didn’t reply to their letter and blamed herself for everything. Maddie often had sleepless nights and frightening dreams about Wanda.


Question 3:

How did the girls know that Wanda liked them even though they had teased her?


Both Maddie and Peggy realised that Wanda actually liked them although they would often tease her. It was when Wanda sent a letter to her school teacher in which she mentioned to gift her two beautiful dresses’ sketches to the girls – a green one with red trimmings to Peggy and the blue one to Maddie. She had also drawn their respective faces in the sketches of the dresses.



Thinking about the Text (Page 79-80)

Question 1:

Why do you think Wanda’s family moved to a different city? Do you think life there was going to be different for their family?


Wanda’s family moved to a different city due to the racist and ill-behaviour of the students in school towards Wanda and her brother, Jake. They were being teased by other students for their funny name and appearance. Jan Petronski , Wanda’s father thought that life in the new city would be different because people in bigger cities are not so narrow-minded and also they would not be teased because of their name or status.


Question 2:

Maddie thought her silence was as bad as Peggy’s teasing. Was she right?


Yes, Maddie was filled with remorse for being a silent spectator of Peggy’s teasing towards Wanda because she thought that turning a blind eye towards an unfair practice is even worse than committing a crime. So, she felt ashamed for indirectly encouraging Peggy to humiliate Wanda often.


Question 3:

Peggy says, “I never thought she had the sense to know we were making fun of her anyway. I thought she was too dumb. And gee, look how she can draw!” What led Peggy to believe that Wanda was dumb? Did she change her opinion later?


Wanda never complained about Peggy’s ill-treatment and pranks towards her. Her silent and unusual behaviour led Peggy to believe that she was dumb. Wanda often claimed to have a hundred dresses and sixty pairs of shoes all lined up in her closet and this made Peggy wonder if she really had the dresses, why would Wanda wear the same old faded blue dress to school every day. However, later Peggy changed her opinion and was quite impressed when she saw Wanda’s sketches. Furthermore, she was surprised when Wanda asked Miss Mason to gift her sketch of a green dress with red trimmings to Peggy from her collection.


Question 4:

What important decision did Maddie make? Why did she have to think hard to do so?


Maddie decided to go to Wanda’s house in Boggins Heights with Peggy to apologise and amend her behaviour for all the ill-treatment done by them, but Wanda had left her house with her family already. Maddie was upset because she thought she acted like a coward as she never stopped Peggy from insulting Wanda. So, she promised herself that she would not let any injustice or bullying happen to anyone even if it meant to lose her close friend while doing so.


Question 5:

Why do you think Wanda gave Maddie and Peggy the drawings of the dresses? Why are they surprised?


When Maddie and Peggy wrote a friendly letter to Wanda, she might have understood their feelings towards her and the dresses game for which they used to mock her. So, she requested Miss Mason to give two of her sketches to them to show them that she did not have any hard feelings for them. Maddie and Peggy were taken by surprise when she gifted them the drawings with their faces on those sketches.


Question 6:

Do you think Wanda really thought the girls were teasing her? Why or Why not?


Yes, Wanda was aware of the misbehaviour of the girls who teased her every day at school. She knew that they used to make fun of her name and appearance, but she chose to remain silent. She used to feel humiliated for their misbehaviour and fed up of everything, she exaggerated to have a hundred dresses and sixty pairs of matching shoes in her closet. Later, when she won the contest she requested Miss Miss Mason to give away two of her sketches to Peggy and Maddie as a gesture of her broad-mindedness towards the girls who often made fun of her.

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